Sunday 2 May 2010

Iran should be REMOVED from UN Commission on Status of Women « GFM


Type:  Causes – Protest

Date:  Monday, 03 May 2010

Location:  Accept Invite to Attend This VIRTUAL Event

Iran should be REMOVED from UN Commission on the Status of Women

علیه عضویت ایران در سازمان ملل متحد کمیته حقوق زنان


United Nations Has Betrayed Women by Appointing Iran

Not one week after Ayatollah Sedigh signaled that the regime is paving the road to fresh crackdowns on women, we hear the news. We hear that the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, which touts itself as being “dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women,” has chosen to freely bestow one of its seats upon the virulently misogynistic Islamic regime. It has made a mockery of itself. It has betrayed women worldwide with the unkindest of actions.

The Commission dares to do this while hundreds of our sisters suffer in prison because they stood up for their own rights. the UN Commission on the Status of Women dares to stand against them by allowing the Islamic regime a seat at the table.

By refusing to respond to the demands of the justice- and freedom-seeking citizens of the world, by showing clear animosity towards the women of Iran, the UN Commission on the Status of Women has undermined itself and its legitimacy in the eyes of the global public.

Iranian women have paid and continue to pay far too high a price for a fraction of the liberation that is their birthright. We recognize their struggles and honor their sacrifices, even if the international organizations that are meant to advocate for women’s interests fail to.

The UN is now responsible alongside the Islamic regime in all atrocities committed against Iranian women, a party to rape, imprisonment, torture and stoning and hangings of Iranian women.

We stand with women in Iran. And we stand against Iran as a member of the UN and its Commission on the Status of Women for as long as it takes to see justice done: the Islamic regime must be removed from the Commission.


Posted via web from lissping

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