Tuesday 4 May 2010

IRI's Chief Torturer "Alavi" Casts a Wide Net

According to reports received by HRDAI, Intelligence Ministry interrogators continue to torment prisoners and their families with their illegal actions, even after they are released on bail.

Intelligence Ministry interrogators at Ward 209 of Evin continue to call released prisoners and their families, telling them to meet in unusual places such as parks and hotels. The prisoners are contacted by phone, and the case interrogator is the person who makes the call. If the released prisoner or his/her family objects to the shameless and illegal act, the interrogator (torturer) will then threaten them by saying that their actions will cost them and will affect their court rulings. However, the phone calls do not stop, and other members of the family are contacted on their cell phones. The threats intensify, the phone calls becoming as frequent as 3 to 4 times a day.

Younger girls and women, and sometimes male prisoners, are the target of such criminal and inhumane methods. When the prisoner agrees, she/he is told to meet the interrogator at a hotel, most often at the Laleh Hotel. The ongoing contacts have a devastating effect on the prisoner and their family. During the meetings, the interrogator behaves in a shameless and delinquent manner, calling openly on the prisoner to collaborate with interrogators in their crimes and act as a spy.

Such secret and inhumane methods subject the released prisoner and her/his family to increased pressure. Throughout all stages of the contact, the interrogator insists that the calls, the meeting places and the nature of his demands must be kept secret by the released prisoner. The interrogator warns the prisoner that failure to comply will result in further detention and new charges being filed, as well as heavy sentences, including death sentence, in her/his current case.

Elham Hassani and a number of the supporters of the Mourning Mothers have been victims of such criminal methods. Over the past 2 weeks, their families have been contacted by the Ward 209 chief interrogator, an individual using the pseudonym Alavi, who has asked to meet with them. This infamous Ward 209 torturer who knows no limit to recklessness, meanness and savagery has been in contact with Hassani family incessantly insisting on his inhumane and illegitimate demands. Faced with the Hassani family’s refusal to comply with his demands, he has threatened them with heavy consequences.

Currently, another member of the family, Nader Hassani, who has been sentenced to 1 year in prison – a sentence based on a fabricated case – is being used as a hostage. The threats against the family take on new dimensions every day. 

Alavi is in charge of cases for almost all members of the CHRR and the majority of cases related to human rights, women's rights and student activists. He was the case interrogator for Shabnam Madadzadeh, Mahdieh Golroo, Atefeh Nabavi, Maryam Ziaee, Nazila Dashti and her 2 sons Houd and Hamed, Farzad Madadzadeh, Jafar Kazemi, Ali Saremi and dozens of other prisoners who have received long prison terms or death sentences. He always tells the prisoner what her/his sentence will be before the prisoner is tried, and the court then hands the prisoner a sentence which follows Alavi’s words verbatim.

The HRDAI will continue to provide human rights organizations with reports on the illegal actions of the Ward 209 interrogators and Alavi, in particular, including his physical description, to be used in future investigations of their crimes. The HRDAI will also, in the near future, disclose to the public about other cases, as well as Alavi’s physical description. Saeed Shaykhan, Sayyed, Mostafavi, Maysam and Ahad are among the interrogators who are involved in crimes committed against the Iranian people.

The HRDAI condemns the psychological tormenting and inhumane and illegal methods used on the released prisoners and their families and calls on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as the United Nations Special Rapporteurs on Violence against Women and on Torture to put an end to the systematic and ongoing crimes against the Iranian people by referring the Iranian regime to the UNSC for its human rights violations.


May 2, 2010-05-03

The above report has been sent to:

United Nations High Commission for Human Rights

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

Amnesty International

EU Human Rights Commission

Translation kind courtesy of @sbelg

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