Friday, 13 July 2012

Timbuktu Who’s Who

MNLA (National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad)

The MNLA is a very recent organisation. It was created in September 2011 with the arrival of ex-soldiers from Libya after the fall of Gaddafi. They would like a separate state from Mali for the Tuareg people, who have lived in the region for centuries. They offer no explanation for their desire to settle down despite being a nomadic race, or for their decision to select part of only one country from the half a dozen where Tuareg originate.


Bilal ag Cherif, is primary leader as General Secretary of the MNLA. He studied in Libya.

Mohamed ag Najim, emigrated to Libya after the big drought of 1973 He had a successful military career and ranked as Colonel and Guide to the Libyan army. Today he is the military leader and a driving force of MNLA.

Nina Wallet Intalou described as the « passionaria » of Malian Tuaregs. She is the only woman in the MNLA leadership. Intalou was elected mayor of Kidal in Northern Mali in 1997, but could never carry out her duties because the Islamists refused to recognise a woman as Mayor. She is close to Mohamed ag Najim and is opposed to Ansar Dine and Iyad ag Ghali because of his links to Al Qaeda (AQIM), insisting he can never be pardoned because of the harm he has done to their cause.

Other members include Colonel Elhadj ag Gamou, who defected from the Malian army but retained his uniform, to “differentiate himself from the likes of ag Ghali”.

The MNLA owns heavy armaments from Libya and is estimated to have 2-3,000 fighters – about the same as the Islamist groups combined.

FNLA (National Front for the liberation of Azawad)

Azawad Arabs in Mauritania for a conference 3 June 2012

A new organisation created on 8 April 2012 during the crisis in the north, who are neither separatist nor islamist, made up of Moors and Arabs. They are for peace and want to continue to be a part of Mali.


Mohamed Lamine Ould Sidatt, an elected leader from the Timbuktu region, is General Secretary.

Housseine Khoulam, a lieutenant-colonel of the Malian army who defected, is military chief.


Al-Qaïda in Maghreb Islamic (AQIM)

formerly the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC)

Abdelmalek Droukdel, leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), with his fighters in Mali

AQIM was created in September 2006 after the dissolution of the Salafist Group for preaching and Combat (GSPC) which itself evolved out of the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria, (GIA). They are thought to be very well armed and trained in the use of sophisticated weaponry.


Abu Musab Abdel Wadoud (a.k.a. Abdelmalek Droukdel) born April 20, 1970. Wadoud earned a university degree in mathematics before joining the insurgency in 1996, and was a regional leader of the GSPC for several years before becoming the group’s commander in 2004.

Abou Zeid, An Algerian born 12 December 1965 in Touggourt, who fought in the ranks of the GSPC.

Oumar Amarha, a seasoned AQIM operative, previously involved in the 2008 kidnappings of Western envoys in Niger.

Among other abductees have been seven employees of the French company, AREVA, aid workers, and tourists. Those executed or who died in captivity include British citizen Edwin Dwyer, one of a group of tourists kidnapped in 2009, and French humanitarian worker Michel Germaneu.

Mokhtar Belmokhtar, aka Khaled Abou al-Abass, ”Bellawar” or “Marlboro Man”, an Algerian born in the region of m’Zab. He is involved with trafficking of Nigerien migrants and drugs to Europe.

Yahya Abou Hammam, an Algerian in charge of military operations.

Ansar Dine ‘Defense of Islam’

Ansar al-Din leader Iyad Ag Ghali

In the rebel-held areas, this group is the one being reported as doing all the beatings and terrorising of Malian people. They have destroyed holy Islamic saints’ sites in Timbuktu, and are said to be enforcing Sharia law. The group’s members are reported to be from Mali, Algeria and Nigeria.

Iyad ag Ghali, a Malian and  ”born-again Muslim” who went to Libya at the age of 20 to learn Arabic, and spent years in Ghaddafi’s army before returning to lead a failed rebellion in Mali. He was “rehabilitated” as an ambassador to Saudi Arabia, until his womanizing and drinking exploits got him kicked out.

In late 2011, ag Ghali attempted to assume the leadership of the Tuareg group Kel Adagh, but failed. Unable to take a leadership role with the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), ag Ghali announced the formation of the Islamist Ansar Dine.

Movement for united Jihad in West Africa (Mujao)

MUJAO leader Hamada Ould Khaïrou

This group has reportedly taken control of the entire north of Mali from the Tuareg separatists. Members originate from a black African division of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb which includes Mauritanians, Nigerians, Senegalese and Malians.

They are believed to have gathered 45m euros from ransoms for kidnapped Westerners, and have just returned 3 of  the 7 Algerian diplomats taken hostage in Gao in April.

Hamada Ould Khairou is recognised as the creator and inspirational leader of the group. Mauritanian authorities issued an international arrest warrant for him on 28 December 2011.

Second in command is Mauritanian Abu Qumqum, born 1970 in Nouakchott.

Other key members are Algerian Ahmed Al-Talmasi and Malian Sultan Ould Badi, who is defined by Malian authorities as a drug trafficker.

via @lissnup

Posted via email from lissping

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