Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Latest from Iran (14 July): Sanctions Watch

0618 GMT: Tough Talk of the Day. Press TV uses American media and the words of a former US Navy Commander for its tale of Iranian strength vs. the American foe, drawing from a Christian Science Monitor story on Wednesday:

The Iranian mini-submarines are “a huge problem for us,” [said] retired Navy Commander Christopher Harmer, who was the director of future operations for the US Navy Fifth Fleet, stationed in Bahrain, from 2008 to 2009....

“They are a threat to us because they can disperse them throughout the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea, and it’s extremely difficult for us to track them,” he added.

0600 GMT: Sanctions Watch. Iranian State and regime-linked media continue to search for any scrap of news that sanctions are hurting the West more than Tehran. IRNA's lead story this morning is of a supposed declaration by the ambassadors of Italy, Brazil and Vietnam that the European Union's cut-off oil imports from Iran will have an adverse impact, with tension in the global market.

Fars' English-language service prefers the good-news tale of 5000 Iranians registering to buy the Runna, the second branded automobile of the Iran Khodro Company. And there is the report that Renault "dedicated [a] quality appreciation certificate to Iran-Khodro Company...for its progressive efforts to improve the quality of IKCO Tondar 90".


from EA WorldView: EA Iran

Posted via email from lissping

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