Tuesday 2 March 2010

Norouz - Sofreh Haft Sin - The 7 S's

The Sofreh Haft Sin (Haft Seen) is the spread, which the family gathers around to celebrate the New Year. It is the focal point of the celebration and ensuing visits and as such Iranians take great care and pride in putting together a lavish and elaborate spread to signify all that they want in the new year. The word Haft means seven and Sin stands for the “S” in the alphabet. Sofreh means spread, the floor of which is usually a nice rich material or embroidered fabric. The spread contains the seven specific things that start with “s”. The sofreh is prepared a day or two before Norooz and placed either on the floor or on the table for about two weeks after Norooz. In addition to the seven items, you may place additional items on the sofreh that will signify renewal, happiness, wealth, good health or any thing that you desire for the New Year. You will find additional items that start with S and other items that represent life in our list. Remember that this celebration is one of hope, promise and good fortune, so have fun with it and share the joy with all your friends and family.

Posted via web from lissping

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