Sunday 17 January 2010

Iran in the World Press 17 Jan 2010 #Iranelection

Acusan a E.U.
La Casa Blanca tildó de "absurda" la acusación realizada por el Gobierno de Teherán de que el asesinato de un científico iraní fue llevado a cabo por Israel y Estados Unidos. "Esa acusación es absurda", dijo a la prensa Bill Burton, portavoz presidencial. Masud Ali Mohammadi, un experto nuclear, murió tras explotar un artefacto colocado en una motocicleta en Teherán.
La Raza Chicago | 2010-01-17 | USA | Page: 16

Iran pressures its opposition
TEHRAN – Iran has stepped up pressure on the opposition, arresting a dissident cleric and warning against using SMS and e-mail messages to organise anti-government protests, reports said yesterday. Mid-ranking cleric Mohammad Taghi Khalaji, who was close to late dissident Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, was arrested at his home in the city of Qom on Tuesday, reformist website said. 
The Citizen | 2010-01-16 | South Africa | Page: 12

Iran verschärft Schikanen
Das iranische Regime schüchtert die Opposition immer stärker ein: Um die Proteste gegen Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad zu ersticken, hat die Polizei die Nutzung von SMS und E-Mail zur Planung von Demonstrationen verboten. Bei Verstößen drohten Anklage und Bestrafung, erklärte Irans Polizeichef nach Angaben der Agentur Insa. (dpa)
Erlanger Nachrichten | 2010-01-16 | Germany | Page: 4

‘Signs of the Times’ conference set
FIVE INTERNATIONAL BEST SELLERS later, novelist and communications strategist Joel Rosenberg continues to enlighten the world with his insights and “prophetic” literature. He has authored “The Last Jihad”, “The Last Days”, “The Ezekiel Option”, “The Copper Scroll and Epicenter: How the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your World”. His fictional works deal with international alliances, mass destruction, and history. “Epicenter” has been his only non-fiction book and it focuses on the possibility of the Iranian nuclear threat, the arms and nuclear technology dealings between Russia and Iran, and the events surrounding the Middle East. Joel has been featured on various radio and TV programs such as ABC’s “Nightline”, CNN Headline News, Fox News Channel, the History Channel, and MSNBC. Each of these five gripping masterpieces has been a New York Times best seller. As a communications strategist, Joel has worked with a number of the world’s most influential leaders in the fields of business, poli
Philippines Daily Inquirer | 2010-01-17 | Philippines | Page: 26

China’s nuke snub
CHINA IS to deliver a carefully calibrated diplomatic snub at a meeting this weekend to discuss UN sanctions to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions. After postponing the sixpower meeting for weeks, China said at the last minute it would be represented by a junior diplomat – despite Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the US all sending top officials. Western diplomats say China is now taking a harder line than Russia in opposing further UN sanctions on Tehran. The Security Council has already imposed three rounds of sanctions to try to stop Iran enriching uranium in a suspected nuclear weapons programme.
Sunday Star Times | 2010-01-17 | New Zealand | Page: 13

Israel fears Turkey’s ‘shift toward Iran’ and Islam
is currently improving its relations with most countries in the world, apart from Israel.” Israel simply does not want to admit that Turkey is pressuring Israel to make progress in the IsraeliPalestinian peace process, he said. Israeli-Palestinian track Turkey, like Europe, the United States and the moderate Arab countries, wants to see the rebooting of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. In the past it has offered to broker talks between the parties. Liel is a firm believer that relations with Ankara could be restored if Israel moves towards cutting a deal with the Palestinians. He has a simple piece of advice for Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak who is slated to visit Turkey on Monday: “If you haven’t got anything new to say about the peace process, don’t go.” Kanli offers another perspective. He agrees with Erdogan that Israel was in the wrong in the way it carried out its military strike against Hamas, the Palestinian organization that controls Gaza. However, he thinks Ankara should not be eng
Manila Times | 2010-01-17 | Philippines | Page: 5

Mobiele telefoon en internet taboe voor oppositie Iran
Teheran, 16 jan. De Iraanse politiecommandant heeft de oppositie gisteren gewaarschuwd geen mobiele telefoons en internet te gebruiken om protesten tegen het regime te organiseren. Generaal Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam zei dat dit een misdrijf is en dat overtreders streng zullen worden gestraft. De maatregel weerspiegelt de frustratie van de autoriteiten dat zij er niet in slagen oppositiebetogingen uit te bannen. Op dagen waarop protesten worden verwacht worden internet en mobiele telefoons doorgaans geblokkeerd, maar vaak nadat al het sein voor bijeenkomsten is gegeven. (AP)
NRC Handelsblad | 2010-01-16 | Netherlands | Page: 4

Cyber attack shows need for cooperation on security
Google’s threat to pull out of China after revelations by the search-engine giant that hackers in China stole valuable corporate secrets from its computer systems comes as the U.S. is making a concerted push for closer ties with the Asian giant. A pullout could complicate a delicate diplomatic dance: the Obama administration would like China to make progress on human rights but also needs it to press Iran and North Korea on nuclear issues and restructure its economy so people buy more and export less. Still, some analysts said, Google’s bombshell announcement Tuesday — which included the news it would stop filtering Internet searches on its site in China — also could give the administration an opening to raise sensitive issues, such as human rights and cyber-espionage, without seeming like the aggressor. The broad, sophisticated nature of the attack on Google and at least 33 other firms, including Juniper Networks, Adobe, Yahoo, Symantec, Dow and Northrop Grumman, may move the issue of cyber-attacks up on t
The Vancouver Sun | 2010-01-16 | Canada | Page: 26

Baha’is urge action on oppression
Members of the local Baha’i community are worried about seven leaders of their faith on trial in Iran, as well as their own friends and relatives in the Middle Eastern country. The small local community is joining fellow members of the Baha’i faith across the country in drawing Canadians’ attention to what they call the show trial of seven Iranian Baha’i community leaders. The trial of Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaie, Mahvash Sabet, Behrouz Tavakkoli and Vahid Tizfahm started on Tuesday, said members of the local group. The seven leaders have been detained in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison since their arrest in the spring of 2008. Their trial has drawn the condemnation of the Canadian government. In a Jan. 8 statement, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon expressed Canada’s concern over Iran’s continued detention of the seven Baha’i leaders. “Canada remains deeply concerned by Iran’s ongoing arbitrary detention of seven Bahá’i community leaders. It is deplorable tha
The Recorder & Times (Brockville) | 2010-01-16 | Canada | Page: 5

TEHRAN, Iran — Seven members of Iran's Baha'i minority are on trial on charges of spying and acting against the country's national security, state media reported. According to state TV website, the charges against them also include co-operating with archenemy Israel, gathering classified documents and `` corruption on earth'' — an Islamic term for crimes punishable with the death sentence in Iran. Since 1979 when Islamic clerics came to power, the Iranian government has banned the Baha'i religion, founded in the 1860s by Baha'u'llah, a Persian nobleman considered a prophet by the Baha'is. Islam considers Muhammad the last of the prophets.
The Observer (Sarnia) | 2010-01-16 | Canada | Page: 26

Canone tv aumentato unapresa ingiro
provenienza. Amio modesto avviso l’unica cosa positiva che ha fatto è impegnarsi per la riforma sanitaria. Quello sì. Gli hanno dato persino il Nobel per la pacema chi giustifica l’intervento militare come lotta al terrorismo e alle dittature dovrebbe riflettere un po’: se non vi fossero interessi per il petrolio, l’impegno sarebbe veramente per la salvaguardia dei diritti umani e la democrazia? Come mai allora nessuno va a intervenire in Sudan, in Sudamerica, in Arabia Saudita, in Iran, in Turchia e, perché no, in Cina, dove i diritti umani sono un’utopia? G.C. insostenibile. Infine, l’altruismo e la dedizione al prossimo non sono in vendita. I 100 euro rimandiamoli all’ignoto autore della «battuta», a pagamento delle sue squallide parole. V.GUERRINI questi giorni è iniziata la pubblicità per il pagamento del canone della tv che, per l’anno 2010, sarà di 109 euro, pagabile anche a rate. In questo periodo di crisi in cui le famiglie, Rispetto al 2009, l’abbonamento ha subito un aumento di 1,50 euro; sarei
La Stampa | 2010-01-16 | Italy | Page: 40

Kun én modtager af dialogpris
Den tidligere iranske præsident Seyyed Mohammad Khatami siger nej til at modtage Global Dialogue Prize, som er indstiftet af Aarhus Universitet, Grundfos, Århus Kommune og Region Midtjylland. Organisationen bag prisen har i stedet besluttet at give prisen på 500.000 kroner til den iranske filosof, dr. Daryush Shayegan, der skulle have modtaget prisen sammen med Khatami. Hos Århus er borgmester Nicolai Wammens (S) korte kommentar til afbuddet fra Khatami følgende: »Det tager jeg til efterretning, og jeg ser frem til, at vi kan uddele prisen til Daryush Shayegan 27. januar i Musikhuset,« siger borgmesteren, der ikke vil deltage i debatten om prismodtagerne: »Jeg har konstateret, at der har været en livlig debat om dialogprisen, og jeg ser nu frem til, at prisen kan overrækkes senere på måneden,« siger han. Mens Shayegan tidligere har givet tilsagn om at modtage prisen i Århus den 27. januar, har det været vanskeligt for priskomiteen at få tilsagn fra Khatami om deltagelse. Men nu har Khatami via den danske
Jyllands-Posten | 2010-01-16 | Denmark | Page: 67

Khatami: Nej tak til dialogpris
Den tidligere iranske præsident Seyyed Mohammad Khatami siger nej til at modtage Global Dialogue Prize, som er indstiftet af Aarhus Universitet, Grundfos, Århus Kommune og Region Midtjylland. Organisationen bag prisen har i stedet besluttet at give prisen på 500.000 kr. til den iranske filosof, dr. Daryush Shayegan, der skulle have modtaget prisen sammen med Khatami. Mens Shayegan tidligere har givet tilsagn om at modtage prisen i Århus den 27. januar, har det været vanskeligt for priskomiteen at få tilsagn fra Khatami om deltagelse. Men nu har Khatami via den danske ambassade i Iran meddelt, at han ikke »ser sig i stand til at modtage prisen«. Redegørelse på vej »Det er den korte besked, vi har fået fra ambassaden, så vi kan ikke sige noget om årsagerne til, at Khatami siger nej til at modtage prisen. Vi afventer nu en nærmere redegørelse fra ambassaden,« siger Anders Correll, pressechef ved Aarhus Universitet. Den tidligere præsident tilhører oppositionen i Iran og har i den iranske presse været udsat fo
Jyllands-Posten | 2010-01-16 | Denmark | Page: 7

Le consul d’Iran en Norvège donne sa démission
MOYEN-ORIENT L’ex-consul de la République islamique d’Iran à Oslo vient de confirmer la rumeur de sa démission qui circulait depuis plus d’une semaine. Dans une interview exclusive diffusée mercredi soir par la télévision norvégienne, NRK, Mohammed Reza Heydari, chemise bleue et pull en laine, dit avoir quitté ses fonctions à cause de son désaccord avec la répression postélectorale. « Au cours des sept derniers mois, je me suis retrouvé face à un vrai dilemme personnel, en me demandant comment ceci pouvait arriver dans mon pays », dit-il en persan, sous-titré en norvégien. « Que veut mon peuple ? Mes compatriotes ont saigné le jour de l’Achoura (le 27 décembre dernier, NDLR), seulement parce qu’ils réclamaient la liberté et ce que l’Occident appelle la démocratie. Ma conscience ne me permet plus de voir ces images. C’est pourquoi j’ai décidé de démissionner afin que la population sache que je suis de son côté », ajoute-t-il. D’abord relayée, il y a plus d’une semaine, par la même télévision norvégienne, sa d
Le Figaro | 2010-01-16 | France | Page: 8

Es ist Zeit für eine Warnung. Vor einem Jahr fing Barack Obama als US-Präsident an. Viele Weichen hat er seitdem neu gestellt: Verhältnis zur islamischen Welt, Nahost, Abrüstung, Klimaschutz, Abzug aus Irak, Abkehr von Alleingängen. Für diesen radikalen Politikwechsel – und in der Hoffnung auf dessen Erfolg – bekam er den Friedensnobelpreis. Gemessen indes wird er außenpolitisch, abgesehen vom Iran, an der Entwicklung in Afghanistan. Alle deutschen Politiker waren vor einem Jahr enthusiastisch. Sie sprachen von einem „historischen Moment“ und versprachen Obama ihre volle Unterstützung. Angela Merkel betonte, dass sie als Bundeskanzlerin „ein elementares Interesse“ habe, dass Obamas Politik erfolgreich sei. Guido Westerwelle meinte, es werde für manchen in Deutschland Zeit, „von seinem arroganten hohen Ross“ gegenüber den USA abzusteigen. Um so bitterer muss es für Washington sein, als wie hohl sich diese Phrasen beim ersten wirklichen Test erweisen. Was Deutschland an Truppenverstärkung für Afghanistan anbiet
Der Tagesspiegel | 2010-01-16 | Germany | Page: 8

Text, email warning in Iran Opposition tech-savvy
– Iran’s police chief today warned opposition supporters not to use cell phones and email messages to organise protest rallies against the government, saying those who do so will be prosecuted and punished. General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam said spreading the word of the opposition through internet or cell phone texts was a crime that deserved severe punishment and that the authorities would monitoring those systems. The remarks are the latest reflecting the government’s frustration at various imaginative ways the opposition has sought to rally supporters following the disputed June presidential election. A harsh government crackdown has left the opposition with little means to make its voice heard. Almost all proreform newspapers have been closed since the June 12 vote in which president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner. Those still in circulation have been openly threatened against publishing opposition statements. Iranian state media, controlled by hardliners, regularly ignore the opposition.
The Nelson Mail | 2010-01-16 | New Zealand | Page: 9

Jagger, Dylan og Hendrix hitter i Iran
Ican’t get no satisfaction«, brøler Dara – som en anden Mick Jagger – ind i sin mikrofon på cafeen i Teheran. På væggen bag den 40-årige musiker hænger et fire meter langt fotografi, som forestiller unge tyskere, der i 1989 kravler over Berlinmuren. Tyve år efter er parallellerne til cafeen, som vi sidder på, slående. Ligesom de østtyske unge er de iranske unge her også frustrerede og længselsfulde efter frihed. Andre steder i det røgfyldte lokale hænger der billeder af vestlige rock-og blueslegender som B.B. King, The Beatles og Eric Clapton. I loftet er der et stort billede af Napoleon, som triumferende strækker den franske trikolore i vejret. »Everything’s gonna be alright«, synger Dara i den næste sang som et ekko af Bob Marleys ’No woman, no cry’. I aften er der ingen fare på færde, men Dara har tidligere modtaget 60 piskeslag for at spille den forbudte musik. Imens han synger, prikker sidemanden os gentagne gange på skuldrene for at gøre opmærksom på, hvad det er for en sang, Dara nu spiller. »Hey,
Politiken | 2010-01-16 | Denmark | Page: 26

Khamenei urges action over riots
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told the security forces to take firm action against anti-government protestors. “ The officials of the three forces saw for themselves what the nation is asking for, therefore, they must perform their duties well towards the corrupt and the rioters,” he told visitors from the Shia Muslim holy city of Qom south of Tehran. Eight people were killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi on Ashura, a day of Muslim mourning that fell on December 27. It was the worst violence since protests in the immediate aftermath of a disputed presidential election in June.
Emirates Business 24 for 7 | 2010-01-10 | UAE | Page: 35

«По нашим оценкам, доля теневой экономики России стала расти начиная с конца третьего квартала 2008 года, когда начались кризисные явления, когда ухудшилась ситуация на рынке труда. Я думаю, что примерно пятая часть экономики сейчас находится в тени».
Komsomolskaya Pravda Moscow Edition | 2010-01-16 | Russia | Page: 2

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